What a miraculous time! You are living in a moment of extreme change on your planet. A time of unequivocal energetic movement upon the physical planet impacting all inhabitants. There are tender mercies available to all as these changing energies move through you and it is most beneficial and helpful to call on those in the world of Spirit who are available to support you, who love you and who are ready to serve your every need. Start a dialogue with us today! Trust the unseen. Reach out to us and know that we are waiting for your blessing to step in and assist you. You are not alone. You have never been alone. It is said that you enter your Earth life alone and leave this life alone. Nothing could be further from the truth as you have master guides and angels who are with you from the moment you take your first breath and are the first to welcome you home when this life is through. In moments of quiet, talk to us, your guides, and let us know what you need, what you wish to have happen in your life, and what your greatest dreams are, for we are ready to be of service. We wish you peace and love on this day. —Channel from Spirit by Jane Marino