My Mission
My mission is to provide clients with the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing they need to move their lives forward and to further open them to a meaningful connection with Spirit.
Jane S. Marino, M.A., Ed, CNHP
I am a Reiki Master, Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner, Psychic Medium, and Intuitive Life Coach. Through my private practice, I serve adults, children, families, and pets with healing arts services, mediumship, and life coaching in a comfortable environment of love and support that fosters true healing and spiritual growth. With more than three decades of study in metaphysics, natural and energy healing, and life coaching, I have dedicated my professional practice to helping others discover their gifts and move forward on their life’s journey.
While I hold both B.A. and M.A. degrees and numerous certifications, like so many of us, I am someone who has been searching for spiritual truths my entire life. I've studied metaphysics and energy healing modalities for 35+ years. However, my spiritual journey began as a frightened and confused child.
From a very young age I was curious about what living this life on earth truly means and whether or not our lives continue on after we die. As an intuitive and sensitive young child, I was very afraid of the dark and fearful of going to bed at night. I saw things. I felt things. I saw and felt energy, which I now recognize were spirits. Some of these energies were heavy and dark and frightened me. I would calm myself by pulling the covers over my head and watching balls of comforting, colored light dance under the blanket in the dark. I would call for these more loving energies when I was scared, and as soon as I pulled the covers over my head, they would come.
Today, I am keenly aware of spirit energies; I most often sense energies that are light and loving and continue to work with helpful and loving spirit energies in my practice. After years of study and practice, I feel and hear the spirit messages I receive. I see and read the energy field, or auras, that surrounds each one of us. I am aware of the spirit guides and angels who support my work and can feel energetically when they step into my energy field. I also feel and sense the spirit guides of others and can receive messages from deceased loved ones of my clients in much the same way. Through my personal journey combined with decades of experiences and training with many enlightened spiritual teachers, I share my gifts to provide my clients with the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing they need to move their lives forward and to open them to a meaningful connection with Spirit.
“The purpose of mediumship is to provide evidence through spirit communications that there is a continued existence after death and that our loved ones live on in the spiritual realm.”
Thank you to Ralph Souders, my dad, for being my first teacher of metaphysical and spiritual ideas. Your library opened a mystical door for me. Thank you for your presence in my readings.
Thank you Bernice Souders for being a wonderful mother and for teaching me about service to others. I love you!
Thank you Nancy McKay for believing in my healing gifts and for teaching me all aspects of healing with Divine Energy. I'm forever grateful for the many days I spent with you in Mt. Dora learning about energy work.
Thank you Verna Yater for guiding me into the world of mediumship and channeling. You and Indira provided me with many amazing mystical experiences on Blue Mountain.
Thank you Paula Vaughan for demonstrating and teaching me about mediumship. I am forever grateful for all that I learned from you.
Thank you Rebecca Rosen for inspiring me and affirming my mediumship abilities.
Thank you Mary Torrey for your love, wisdom, and teaching. You have taught me to be fearless in my work as a medium and to always trust Spirit.
Thank you Mary Summer Rain, Lee Carroll & Kryon, Steve and Barbara Rother & the Group, Sanaya Roman, Doreen Virtue and Shakti Gawain for helping me to understand my path as a Lightworker.
Thank you Mahatma Gandhi for your messages of light, love, compassion, and forgiveness. I am honored to put your messages to paper.
Thank you to my family, husband Bill, and children Emily, Andrew, and Billy. Your love and never-ending belief in my gifts have forever carried me and blessed me. I love each one of you forever and always.
Thank you to my clients who have shared their journey with me. I hope our time together has provided your life with directions and clarity.